

Welcome to HOUSE OF LMAR

House of LMAR: A boutique and gallery in Jogja that provides fashion needs from several brand & designer labels in Jogja and Indonesia, as well as some craft products from Jogja in particular.

House of LMAR is located in Yogyakarta – Indonesia for almost 22 years (since 1999) and has also promoted its brand in several countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Phillipina and Paris.


This website is made for the view to facilitate the lovers of fashion to be easy for them to choose the clothes they want and they expect or just become a reference in the world of fashion as designed directly by Lia Mustafa.

This website contains some event that will be held by House of LMAR.


  1. NIB (Business Identification Number): 9120100392671
  2. NPWP (Tax Identification Number): 02.369.501.8-541.000
  3. Owner: Lia Amaliati Retnoningsih (as Lia Mustafa) and Mustafa Ramadhan